
Chiltern Lamb grows grass fed, British native and rare breed sheep at Kingsbarn Farm, Medmenham and in the fields around the villages of Fawley and Skirmet in South Oxfordshire. We sell at farmers markets, butchers and to restaurants in the local area. We are now also selling online at the Henley Circle local producers shop.
Our animals are produced using a low input system, made possible by the low demands made by the conservation breeds of sheep we produce. The use of chemicals is minimal and only as necessary for the welfare of our animals.
Our aim is to provide high quality lamb and mutton products with excellent flavour and minimum impact on the environment. Explore our website to find out more about us and where you can buy our lamb.



We are in the process of moving  Chiltern Lamb into the digital age, but have a long way to go. If you cannot find what you are looking for on this site, the best thing to do is phone 07721 462672

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